symptoms of male yeast infection

Men are likely to contract yeast infections from their partners through unprotected sex if the women is already a victim of yeast infection. The foreskin of the penis of men tends to hold moisture and when yeast infections are transmitted, it is retained in the foreskin.

Prolonged use of antibiotics has been related to yeast infections. Taking antibiotics on a regular basis kills both the good bacteria and bad bacteria in the body. The role of good bacteria is to keep the population of yeast fungus in check and when they are destroyed, Candida multiplies extensively and causes yeast infections.

Male infection can also result from leading a stressful life. Stress upsets the hormonal balance in the body and this provides a favorable breeding ground for yeast fungus to thrive and affect the body. Therefore, males are often advised to maintain a healthy living.

Diabetic males have a high concentration of blood sugar levels and this kind of environment favors the growth of yeast fungus. Men who consume too much alcohol are also at risk because alcohol contains yeast and when more yeast is consumed by the body, yeast fungus overgrows rapidly and causes yeast infections.

The symptoms of male yeast infections usually include itching, soreness, formation of white patches on the penis, burning sensation when urinating and painful sexual intercourse. The worst kind of yeast infection happens in the gut which is also likely to spread to the intestinal linings and the yeast fungus gets into the way of the bloodstream.